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  • 26/01/2019

    Excellent produit pas trop gros facile de montage électronique et mécanique

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  • 29/01/2018

    I was able to construct this in about 5 hours for reasons that will be explained. It seemed to work fairly well although I destroyed the UNO (my fault) so I never finished testing it. It does, however, desperately need some improvements.: 1) It needs a proper manual. The only thing I could find was a PDF in three parts, the first steps of which were line diagrams that were quite clear and useful. It seems like they never finished it since it suddenly switches to photographs and, given that it's entirely made of black plastic parts, it becomes very difficult to make out what goes where. I had to do a lot of disassembly and re-assembly. I have one part left over that I never did figure out where it goes. 2) The base had four holes used in step #1. One of the holes was not drilled in the correct location which resulted in the structure being twisted. This became increasingly problematic as the build went on until I tore it all down and re-drilled the hole. Even then, I didn't get it exactly right and as a result, the base is warped (doesn't sit flat) 3) The plastic is very brittle. 2 of the 4 motor mounts broke. The designers need to supply 4 additional spacers around each motor so the plastic doesn't crack as you tighten the screws. After the first one broke, I used left-over pieces of plastic and glued them to the side of each screw to prevent this. 4) The gears on the gripper assembly don't seem to align as they do in the photos. I ended up using that unknown piece here to keep things aligned. The photographs are a terrible guide at this step. 5) Once assembled and using the potentiometers supplied, two of the servos worked correctly, one only rotated through half of it's range and the gripper didn't move at all. I was trying to debug this when I blew up the UNO by plugging it into the computer while the power supply was plugged in, creating a ground loop that destroyed the UNOs USB port. Once I get my UNO replaced, I'll continue testing it.

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